Rega Planar 3 50th anniversary

Hello, this is my first post on this site. I’ve had various turntables over the years and currently own a Technics SL-1700 mk. 1. I’ve had it completely refurbished and I think it’s great. I can’t help being attracted to the 50th anniversary planar 3 with the looks and upgrades for the price. I’ve had an entry level pro-Ject manual belt driven table before. I’m curious if the planar 3 would be an upgrade from my Technics. Thanks — Matt

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@goodlistening64 at 1:06 it is clearly stated, also there is type of motor mentioned on Rega website P6 page.

It seems that idiom "you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink" is applicable here.

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To find motor, start at the platter edge and follow the belt until you come to a pulley. That’s the motor. 

I was going to jump in the middle of this thread and stir it up a bit then decided that I would just back out of the room and tip my hat to @lewm, for the patience he has shown. Enjoy the music