What's the best Blu-Ray player for 300.-350.

I just bought a Pioneer Kuros PDP-5020 and need to squeek a Blu-Ray player out of the budget. I'm thinking around 300. to 350. for now. Anyone with any suggestions on the most bang for the buck? Thanks
Problem with the PS3 is that it is not a very good transport for audio uses, and most want much smaller conventional audio/video components for their rack and hi end systems.. The S550 is essentially a PS3, but actually far better transport, and actually a better picture and audio options along with COAX & Toslink digital output etc... Which is far more universal for our needs. Also remember that the dedicated audio circuits in these units are quite a bit better than a PS3.

The S550 & S350 are the first machines that sony has produced that is in fact a notch better than PS3 in the Blu ray field, this is pretty well known and reviewed elsewhere. And in this case actually it is to be found cheaper than even PS3 finally..
I believe that the Sony S550 lacks the special functions that most DVD players have .
Like slow motion, frame by frame,advance etc.
Can anyone confirm this ?
Not to sound like a S550 basher but after doing a little research this morning about the S350, which is very similar in video performance to the S550 according to Undertow and several others. If this is accurate, according to a few reviews standard dvd upconversion on the S350 is only fair. The Oppo players wiil exceed the standard dvd upconversion process of the S350 Or S550. So if you plan to use this player for standard dvd, be careful! If to be utilized for Blu Ray only, I say give it a shot. Awaiting input Undertow...
On my screen after adjustments... The S550 exceeds the the oppo 980 h, and is virtually equal to the 983, Again most DVD's have errors or flaws which will ghost or be fuzzy, or just crappy washed out color… No oppo fixes this.. however GOOD dvds' are just as Good on the S550….

And of course Blu ray is simply flawless, and that’s not necessarily a function that just the Sony machine is better at because many blu ray players are really good, so are 700 dollar LCD's vs 7000 dollar lcd from 5 years ago! The format of blu ray fixes many issues no standard DVD will, however I have many newer and well done DVD's that are in fact basically as good as Blu ray in many ways, and during 1080p 6o fps DVD upconversion is done just as perfect on the S550 as it is on any oppo, again in some cases even better, and The Sony does in fact do Blu Ray 1080p 24 fps which is not beat anyway.. Again the guys holding onto some kinda "Special Function" or specific niche in a product that will cost more money GO FOR IT!! But if your looking for flawless Blu ray and DVD quality, with some nice functions and Perks for audio than the Sony is your machine for a price that will not be matched…

If you want much more for whatever you have a special need for no doubt anything can be bettered for your specific requirments.. However I am simply talking for CORE performance nothing will be better and especially at the near dirt cheap pricing we are talking here than the Sony.. And I am a custom hard core Audio video guy.. More audio, but videophile is a whole thing that almost anybody can see differences visually and much easier to explain than somebodys audio taste… You want perfect video go for it, if you need many other specific functions go do your own comparisons and find the best for your needs.

By the way a confusing but maybe slightly important factor here is OPPO sells with their machine the best HDMI made… It is a generic so to speak but basically the best available on the market, and I use this same cable to do all comparisons.. Now somebody going and purchasing a new panasonic, or sony whatever and using some 50 dollar Monster cable might get a different result, and they are not even as good of cables!! I forget who makes the cable its on oppos site I believe and it is highly accepted as being a perfect standard cable.. I can also tell you even an OPPO on a cheap Radio shack HDMI which I had looks worse!! They will tell you even they specifically use this cable and are one of the only companies that ships their units with a cable anymore to specifically make sure you get the video performance they want you to see. This may or may not be a factor to keep in mind, also I DO NOT use standard Power cables in my system, on the oppo or on the SONY, I have found a BIG difference in GHOSTING on the screen, color depth, and simply Video noise using far better heavy shielded power cables for best performance on these units, so yes for some you may not get or be able to expect perfection out of the box without some attention to tweaking your display on each machine, and delivering the results with the best cables and power feeding all this equipment. So again I will use the stupid audiogon tag line 'YMMV'

In the end once again you can chance ordering and risking anything you like, but the good thing is about the sony is it hits all points to be a good standard in performance, AND it can be bought right down the street from your house and returned in 30 days if you can't get it to work out for you!     
By the way I am being a little sarcastic here, but for me slow motion yada yada is the least of my worries watching a movie or playing a CD! Is there some major Blu ray porn releases out there for this or something :-) Seriously though I have no clue, and this is probaly the least priority I see most people caring about for most movie and music functions, at least I have never had a use for such things, hell I don't even care about multi angle features that started coming on DVD players 10 years ago! Anyway for 300 bucks this kinda stuff would not keep me from having the best machine for the job, my main issue with all the blu ray machines is their inability to save some previous disc stop spots, but not a big deal at this point.