How long does Class A have?

Hi Guys/Gals
 I have a Sugden A21SE which is a Pure Class A single ended design, I absolutely love this musical amplifier with its strangely plentiful 30wpc, it runs hots as they do, I always enjoy watching the faces of my uninitiated friends when they touch it after I mention they get hot, lol.
But in this modern green era I wonder just how long do Class A amplifiers have before Greta Thunberg gets wind of this inefficient method of creating sound and pisses on the parade?


Reviving this question as I have thought about this over the last week.... and then....

I was thinking of selling my my Karan Acoustics KA M900 Mono blocks....pure class A to 900 wpc (1500 4 ohms) and going to one of the Aavik class D amps. Then Aavik comes out with their flagship integrated, the I880...200wpc pre class A...if Aavik is making their TOTL amp class A, it must be for good reason so I'll keep my monoblocks! 

@Grannyring…agreed 100%

“Can we stop it with these extreme political statements on this site. Come on guys. This is not the place to keep acting out your hostile political fears and insecurities. This site is for audio. I try to come here to escape this sort of behavior. You are ruining this site with this predictable and angry behavior. This is not the place! Time to just leave this stuff inside of your own head. Stop polluting this site. Will you please?!

Moderators, it’s well past time to start removing any and all political references. Period. The consequence of not doing so is continuing to see the site’s most experienced and helpful posters walk away from here slowly, but definitely. You know, the kind of posters who are kind, helpful and courteous.

The blame also rests on AudioGon as it is your responsibility to keep this site an enjoyable place to come. AudioGon, you must realize past and current, best in class posters, are visiting here less and moving onto better managed forums. They just plain are. They post less and use your listing venue less.

I am dismayed that I even have to post this. It used to be common sense and part of being a well socialized adult to behave kindly and courteously”

I think Class A audio is likely way down the list. OTOH, they could make sweeping legislation about stereo in general but they are going after gas users first like kitchen stoves and hot water heaters and of course cars.

Political agendas are cyclic and this too shall pass, we just don’t know where it will settle out. It depends on how long the Democrat party stays in power and whether it continues to be ruled by the green agenda. Not likely that both will contine just based on how politcs works and based on my observation of political history. But even with 4 more years of green focus by the same administration, I doubt they will get to hifi with their regulations.

Of course if we get a Republican president or the Democrat party swtiches it’s focus to other issues, then the "heat" will be offfor a while.

But I could be wrong.


PS at my very large and very liberal company we are making a lot of proactive and low/no cost initiatives to build new construction to be tolerant of global warming, or lack of global warming, whichever we get. This is the way it shold be addressed, let private industry make cost effective solutions rather than large government mandates.

PPS  those of you who are offended by the reference to GT, ask yourself how offended you would be if the reference was to one or those you hate in the other party.  Lets not be a diode.