wadia 781i vs dcs puccini

usa vs uk who has the best all in one cd/sacd player?
Your system has plenty of potential for bass. Try the power cord on your source first. If you are using a stock cord, I would insist you start there. I know nothing about Stereovox - it may be great or it may be a weak link. Try repositioning your speakers. Pay attention to platform and shelving on the Wadia (mainly for clarity, not necessarily huge improvement in bass).

You already have a reference digital front end. No need to worry about the others.

Good luck.
Usarmyvet91, FYI,I conducted all my findings with a Virtual Dynamics Rev-2 power cord.
Steeovox works just perfect with Wadia, especially the BAL-600 cable. As suggested, try another power cord (Elrod, Electraglide or JPS Labs).
Maybe you should get Kubala-Sosna Emotion series of cables, you'll get excellent timbres and fantastic extremes.