Hi folks:
An update. 2+ weeks and 120+ hours of run-in on the Cardas Golden Ref XLRs. They are sounding good! Vocals are smooth, articulate. Soundstage is wide but not thin. Bass seems well-balanced, maybe not as beefy as some XLRs, but very pleasing and controlled. Great dynamics/slam. Highs are clean, clear, and not fatiguing.
However, the biggest improvement was the addition of a Cardas Beyond Clear PC, currently supplying the Lumin U2 and Benchmark DAC3 HGC, via the PS Audio Duet.
It was a game-changer. Like a new system. A true WOW factor improvement. I was shocked.
I don't think I had an understanding of 'synergy' until I heard this change. I still have to experiment further, swapping the Beyond with the AQ NRG-4 (which is powering the amplifier on a direct 20A line), but it's sounding so good I am reticent to upset the balance!
I still have to upgrade the stock PCs on the DAC and streamer, but I'm taking my time. And I am curious about going back to the Neotech Mk IIIs and seeing how they perform now. Originally, I felt the tonal balance was titled up, favouring the highs at the expense of the lows -- not all that different from what I felt about the Cardas GRs -- but now I wonder if that had more to do with the PC balance/synergy.
Anyway, I promised myself I'd give the GRs at least a month in the system, even though at this point I don't expect much to change. I'll keep y'all posted on my further findings.
Best, JAMES.