Hopelessly mid fi?

I recently hooked up an 80 gb ipod to my system through an Apple dock and did an A/B with my CD player. I am able to match the db level between the two via the volume control on the CDP, and switch between sources instantaneously for a meaningful comparison. Much to my chagrin, the difference was minimal at best. So I brought in a Squeezebox and hooked a digital IC into the CDP's DAC with similar results using both compressed (AAC 192) and Apple Lossless formats. From what I have read on this site, I assumed that it shouldn't be possible that compressed or streaming digital should rival the sound of, by all accounts, a reputable CDP (name intentionally withheld). But it does.

Is it possible to assemble a digital front-end, for say, less than $2K, that would produce a meaningful improvement over both the ipod and Squeezebox? An external DAC perhaps? Or is my system simply not capable of resolving the differences? I'd prefer not to overhaul the rest of my system if possible which includes an Odyssey Candella preamp and Extreme mono amps, Von Schwiekert VR-4jr speakers and Virtual Dynamic Nite II cables.

Thanks for your thoughts.
Thanks to all who took the time to respond. Blindjim-thanks again for the thoughts. I am currently experimenting with leaving the tube preamp out of the chain and running the CDP straight into the amps. And I a bottleneck. Noticeably better soundstage and transients running direct. While I do need a pre, perhaps there are some in your experience that might fit the bill. Given my musical preference, I am thinking solid state. I like the details. Needs two pre-outs, remote, standby mode ideally, used will do. Thoughts?
DETAILS? SS? Twin sets of outputs? (why this last item?)

The BAT SS preamp latest ver could do that for you… a friend here whom I value his imput has said to me the Rowland Capri. Perhaps a nice Krell?

Personally, if them amps ain’t changing anytime soon, and they aren’t balanced truly, I’d stay with a tube pre. Some Thor 1000 MK II are being sold now at most attractive $$$. They are a super buy, despite the lack of current support. Paul, took a powder on us.

They’ve superb build and only use 4 tubes. Self biasing too. Plug and play, virtually. They do sound best with Thor amps, but I do so dig mine! It’s a keeper for sure as it would be well beyond my means to improve upon it’s performance alone…. And every amp I’ve attached it to has been taken to antoeranother level. SS or HS..

I’m certain other preamps can and will do the trick for ya, but I can not really say as I’ve not tried them all with Odyssey amps.

Long as you stay in the active preamp camp, and get a well made, well designed, and good performing unit, I’d say you can’t go wrong if at all. Especially with the input impedance of the Extremes. They are 100K each, right? That’s hard to mismatch a preamp to… 100K. Thereafter, it’s a simple matter of tastes. I simply like the input of tubes some where and a preamp seems the usual suspect for me.

oh... and I do listen to rock too... just not exclusively.

Good luck
Thanks Blindjim. Need two pre-outs for subs/bi-amping. I like what removing the tube preamp did in my system (cleaner highs, stronger/taught lows), so I prefer to experiment with SS. Too much detail missing with what were sold as more "dynamic" tubes. I am not married to any one component, but would prefer to integrate things one piece at a time to fully realize the changes any one piece can make. Your time is appreciated.
No prob...

Two sets of outputs ae nice, though not necessary. I've used, and do use, a pair of very nice Y adapters with good success in lieu of that second set of outputs. Of course, XLR's would be another story. After all, splitting a signal is splitting a signal.

It's funny how your mention of the diff from your tube pre and the straight ahead approach were so noitceable.... and for the better in your opinion. I'm sure you did see it as better.

I'll say this and leave it at it... There are tube preamps, and then there are tube preamps. Nuff said.

Those same sentiments you espoused were mine after replacing a BAT VK5i preamp with the Thor TA 1000 MK II... then agan, the BAT sold new for $4500... the TA 1000 MK II had a price tag of over $8500. big diff, huh? there is indeed. Tubes too make a diff and as importantly, the tube vendor.

Given your thoughts perhaps going with a CDP which has it's own gain stage... a nice one too... might well be the ticket for you, over adding/replacing your preamp.

My own personal philosophy is debateable and many do, though some subscribe to it as well... I start at the front and work my way back. other's begin with speakers and work their way forward. I suppose you could also begin in the middle too.

I also like to hang around just past that point of diminishihg returns... some times well past it, but not out of sight from it.

Ayre is quite popular and many like Levinson or Classe. Try getting Klaus on the hook and ask him what he's seen do well with those Extremes... just a thought.

Good luck.