Audible Illusions Modulus PreAmp>Best Amplifier Match Ever!

For those who either had or still have an Audible Illusions Modulus 3A/3B pre-amp, what is/was the best solid state amplifier ever mated with the Modulus sonically; is there a "killer combination" that delivers/delivered that "goose-bump", audiophile experience?

My updated L3b from L3a on 6h23n-eb is paired with Sander Magtech Stereo driving the Revel Salon Ultimate 2 🥳

For many years I used a Modulus 3A with an Aragon 4004 MKII. They sounded great together.

Why not engage in a little necrothreading? I can confirm that AI made (and still makes) only SS amps, due to tube amps’ tendency to want to blow themselves up. I’ve had an M3A which ate all tubes other than the 6h23-eb, and now listen through an L2B which is MUCH easier on tubes. I also have a 1990(!) S-120 amp (a true Unicorn) which sounds quite lovely, both musical and energetic but, only due to its age, I am considering replacing it with a Pass X150.8, which is how I stumbled on to this old thread. I won’t part with the S-120, but I do want to put something else in place before it dies (it can’t live forever, can it?), and keep the S-120 as a backup/alternative. Anyway, seems like an AI pre with a Pass amp might not be too shabby as a pairing. Cool!