Cleaning cd lens ?

Is it wise to open the unit and clean the lens? I have a Marantz DV9500 that will not play all cds. I suspect lens is dirty. Besides a q tip what should I use for liquid ?
You're welcome, but 70% is not pure and I wouldn't trust their definition of "water" (yes I'm a cynic from way back :). Use what you want, but I have only ever used pure isopropyl (which you generally have to ask for) or pure acetone, which you can find on the shelf.

Good luck and hope you get it working right!
Danmyers...The distilation process used to make alcohol yields about 30 percent water. It boils off and condenses along with the alcohol. So the water is distilled, and you don't need to worry about it.
I wonder where username Elizabeth is. This seems like a good thread for him/her to weigh in on. I've noticed they often have some very useful insight on these kinds of issues.
Eldarford - I never worry about it 'cause I only buy pure :)

Me thinks you're talking about the process of making alcohol and I'm talking about the process of marketing alcohol. I buy pure to be assured there is no difference between the two.