Technics SL-1200GAE or VPI HW-40 or …?

Hello all!

I’m looking for my “reference” direct-drive turntable and am looking at these two usual suspects:  the Technics SL-1200GAE or the VPI HW-40.  However, I was wondering if the VPI is “worth” the more than triple the price of the GAE?  Also, is the new motor Delta Sigma Drive technology Technics introduced in the new GR2 models worth waiting for should it (hopefully) trickle up to a G-model?

I’m happy to pay for performance should it be difference making, but as I’ve not auditioned the VPI (I have listened to it at several Capital Audio Fests numerous times), I wonder if the substantial price difference is warranted in real-world listening.

Thanks for any insights…Enjoy the music!



@atmasphere  Ralph - would you mind PM me the part # and adhesive type…. please and thank you !


 True or False, a Platter Mat has an impact on the Tone being produced.

Even the designs that successfully dissipates the excess energy from within the Groove have their own unique sound signature. 

It not using a Mat as a Tone Control, it is knowing from use, a Mat that functions to meets ones needs and knowing the effect the selected mat can have on the sonic being produced.  

With a selection of mats that are quite capable to meets ones needs, why be a in mat individual if a variant of the sonic is known as being available.  

@tomic601 The best platter pad we've head so far (most don't work at all) is made by Oracle. It has its own self-adhesive backing.

Thanks Ralph…. I think to @pindac point, some do work…. and listening and experiment is how you reached your conclusions….. 

Wow…super impressed by the wealth of knowledge being shared here!  Thanks to everyone for contributing.

Now…opening another Pandora’s Box:  Record/Table weights/clamps?  My experience has been clamping devices:  KAB’s record clamp which used friction to hold tight onto the spindle (used on my SL-1200 MKII and Denon VL-12), and most recently, the Pro-Ject clamp that came with my Ortofon Century ‘table.  However, reading here and elsewhere, there is thinking that Technics never meant for the SL-1200’s to use a weight or clamp.  What say you all?  None, get a weighted device or use a clamp?
