Playback designs followup?

There was a flurry of impressions when this player first came out, all of which was very favourable. I would really like to hear from the original users and others who are very familiar with this player about their impressions about its sound.
For the lucky owners, is it still as spectacular as initial impressions suggested or maybe even better with ongoing use??
Precisely what I was thinking. How many people have a PD and it would take some minimum sales number before any modders would likely spend the time to create any particular mods for the unit.

btw, Jonathan, nice of you to continue "forgetting" to mention in your posts that you're a dealer for a product you're posting about.
Not only is Jonathan a dealer, he is the manufacturer of Playback Designs, Evolution Acoustics, and the NA distributor of darTZeel. I've owned and sold both darTZeel equipment and Evolution Acoustics speakers. I guess that is why I'm currently on the "Out List" of the Chambers clan. The products are OK, but certainly not the final word in quality. To me, there are better sounding products and certainly more reliable ones available.
Arthurp, there's a market in modding Marantz because they need it.

Ric Shultz and others would probably love to get their hands on a PD and see what he could do, but there's likely very little that they could do, given the programming and design done by Andreas. None of the owners that I know I yearning for anything more. OTOH, a big hunk of the Marantz guys immediately think of modding.

Still, it's refreshing to see you reveal the axe that you have to grind. Previously I merely thought that you had difficulty hearing, but now we know the truth. Enjoy your Marantz.

Dave - Before you jump to any conclusions reread my post from 2/13/09. I sold the Marantz in favor of the Modwright Transporter. I have no axe to grind. I simply have a different opinion than you. I'm also not at all defensive about any of my equipment. We all have different tastes. After owning some of the Chambers Audio products, I just found things I liked better and moved on. My hearing tests perfect. As I've stated to you in the past, if you don't limit your comments to non personal ones, your opinion looses all credibility.
I'm curious to know what your system & room consists of. I have already heard the Modwright T. transporter, so I have a feel for that. Just wondering what you have found to be more involving for your tastes.
What a boring world it would be if we all had to buy & like the same equipment or anything else. It's good to see & hear different systems & how each of us reach that certain quality we pursue.