Playback Designs Firmware Update

Have any of the PD MPS-5 owners installed this update yet? Jonathan Tinn told me that it'll further improve the MPS-5's redbood CD playback. (I considered this a strength already, so I'm amazed that I might gain more in this area). I'm travelling now and plan to install it when I get home this weekend, but I'm interested to read what my compardres heard when they installed this firmware.

Dcstep/Dave, I bet you are right - it can probably be voiced in a variety of areas - from upsampling algo to analog gain stage after DAC output, and several places between. I am surprised about the trumpet problems not being there, being there, then not being there on a reinstall - sounds like a bug in software setup in v18 (not so much the filters themselves but the way one part reads the status of another part). Not being a PD guy (neither in English, nor French), I don't know the version history, but if he's not careful, Andreas might incur the contempt of Audiofeil, who seems skeptical of a high upgrade count :^)
Yes T_bone, Andreas said it was an install bug and he wrote v. 19 so that it couldn't happen. He, of course, had tested v. 18 quite a bit and was distressed that he'd missed the bug, but was very quick to recover.

One neat thing about the MPS-5 is that you can always push the reset button and get back to the excellent original firmware.

Do you think that anyone really take Audiofeil seriously anymore? He stalks me, so we'll probably hear from him soon. Hi Bill. ;-)

Is the new update called the MPS-5_01021 and when was it released?. Also what does the new ( November)DRIVER do?.

Just got an email response from Jonathan Tinn re my question of the purpose of the "November" driver. His email informs me that the driver is designed for those users who are connecting the optional USB-X outboard box. I don't use the USB-X box so I can't comment any further on what benefits the driver confers. For those that use the USB-X I'd suggest contacting PD directly. I've had wonderful support from Jonathan and Andreas and can't speak highly enough about their customer commitment.