But to "composite" a square wave from sine waves would take sine waves way up into the ultrasonics and where would that put the slew factor???
A Hammond uses exactly the technique to which you allude. But it never achieves anywhere near a true square wave.
Actually, one could make the argument that a sine wave is just a bunch of square waves with short duty factors and their amplitudes arranged in a "wave" pattern. But again, how many would it take to achieve the true sine pattern?
No musical signals with an instantaneous rise time?
If you play a square wave and the amplifier produces 17v/ms and the speaker needs 17 volts to reach the desired volume, it can occur in no less than 1 ms.
If the other speaker is 10 dB more efficient it only needs 5.4 volts to play the same volume so it can occur in no less than 0.32ms. That's the math. Whether the speakers can actually keep up is another matter/discussion.
Regarding being right... it seems that you read one thing and think it applies to all cases..., and obviously it, and therefore you, must be right. Show us something where slew factor is discussed in relation to other wave forms as they actually exist. You are only presenting one side of the argument.