
I value everybodies opinion, so I would appreciate any input you fellows can give me. I realize how many superb speakers are out there but since I can't audition hardly anything do the fact I live in a rural area I'm having a hard time deciding on an upgrade to my sound system, mainly speakers. I have approx: $5000 to spend on a pair and want some mains that will do it all including some serious bass as I listen to a lot of blues,jazz, home theater, and occasionally some head banging rock. I've listened to B&W, nice but too expensive and NO bass. Dynaudio, real nice but I don't think I have enough power. I need speakers that can stand to be fairly close to the rear wall,ie:18 to 24". From what I've read here on AudiogoN (great site I love it ) most speakers are geared for super nice amps and pre amps., which I don't have, but planning on upgrading in the future. I'm currently running 80 watts per channel of fairly clean power. Any insight you guys can give me I would be greatly appreciate. Thanks.

Viagra/Infrastructure boost for existing Dynaudio:

Made in the USofA


Schiit Tyr monoblocks times 2 = $3200

Schiit Kara preamp = $700

Rythmik L12 Sealed subwoofer times 2 = $1250

Total = $5150