Sensitivity vs. Efficiency see below page one paragraph C:
How important is the efficiency of a speaker to you?
I went to an audio meeting recently and heard a couple of good sounding speakers. These speakers were not inexpensive and were well built. Problem is that they also require a very large ss amp upstream to drive them. Something that can push a lot of current, which pretty much rules out most low-mid ( maybe even high) powered tube amps. When I mentioned this to the person doing the demo, i was basically belittled, as he felt that the efficiency of a speaker is pretty much irrelevant ( well he would, as he is trying to sell these speakers). The speaker line is fairly well known to drop down to a very low impedance level in the bass regions. This requires an amp that is going to be $$$, as it has to not be bothered by the lowest impedances.
Personally, if I cannot make a speaker work with most tube amps on the market, or am forced to dig deeply into the pocketbook to own a huge ss amp upstream, this is a MAJOR negative to me with regards to the speaker in question ( whichever speaker that may be). So much so, that I will not entertain this design, regardless of SQ.
Your thoughts?
Sensitivity vs. Efficiency see below page one paragraph C: Mike |
Is not the concern the perception of sound that is being produced the factor that determines how one chooses a Speaker. Speaker Design will require a certain downstream electronic support to enable them to function something like the design intended. As the Speaker in use in the home or new listening space, the speaker as a result, is no longer in the room or allocated space used to produce the design. When the speaker is in use in the home it is already compromised, as it is no longer functioning as per the design did when in the space used during its creation. What matters next is how the Speaker delivers sound, is it Voluminous or Confined, is the Sound presented with Speed or laid back as a delivery, is colouration perceived as being present and being an influence on how the quality of sound is perceived. How a Speaker is driven does not have too much influence on these attractive traits, it is the downstream devices that manage the transfer of the signal to the final manager of the signal being the Xover, prior to electrical signal being converted into mechanical energy and hence sound being produced. If the signal is deficient, the Speaker can not add the data that is missing. Speakers are most liked when the Speaker is capable to produce the perception of the following as the extracted data from the recording: Dynamics - Micro Details - Attack - Tone - Timbre - Envelope and Coherence - are what really wins ones full admiration and attraction when experienced being delivered. Such a perception of these traits presence will be much more aligned with the quality of the generated and transferred signal from source to Xover, and not the means used to create the required AC Current necessary to drive the speaker. |
I own very large efficient speakers (102db) and although they can easily be powered by a tube push-pull amp tube amp (10 watts per channel) to reasonable and higher levels they still sound really good with the bigger more powerful ss amps. The point is if you buy efficient speakers you are opening up all doors to amps of different power output. |