Wadia 861SE with GNSC Statement Upgrade

I would like to know the level of interest still out there for a Wadia 861SE with GNSC Statement upgrade with and without digital ins and outs.

Would like to hear the experience of those who own this particular setup too.

Maybe I should qualify the above with the fact that the players with volume control were used so and fed direct into power amps.
02-22-09: Chadeffect
Maybe I should qualify the above with the fact that the players with volume control were used so and fed direct into power amps.

Now I can see where you are coming from,direct to amp is make or break for most all digital play back. Fine digital also needs a fine line stage, imo.

Sometimes. The difficulty is finding a good one! I spent many years looking and gave up. There was always a gain and a loss in the pre amps I tried. Never a gain gain if you catch my drift. The ARC ref 3 being the only compromise that I could almost live with. The Lamm was good but no remote...

But the traits of the player are the traits of the player. A pre amp wont add detail although it may enhance what is there.

Maybe I just expect uber detail from hi end players.
I've run the player direct for some time and again, your description of the player's attributes is completely out of line with what I've experienced (and those of practically all others including, recently, Hi-Fi+).

With regard to a preamp, try the Ayre KX-R, there's no downside ime.
HI Bar81,

maybe there was a problem with the player I had, but I doubt it. Players from that time tend to sound the way I described. I had the internal dip switches set to the right output level, so the volume control was using the last few bits.

I know GNSC do good work. I have heard some mods to ARC he has done, as well as the Wadia in question. I just feel its a lot of money for not a great deal of performance with this player. It is bound to be better than the original, but if you spent the same money on an Audio Aero Capitole SE or even the Bel canto CD/DAC I am sure it would surprise you.

Have you heard the latest generation of high end DACs? Because if you feel that my description is out of line with your experience, this could be where the trouble is. For instance the DCS is absolute resolution, crystal clear top to bottom, not a hint of grain and extremely capable. There is clarity with new machines that you just dont get on these older models for whatever reason.

At least have an idea of where this Wadia sits in the world of digital playback today.

Now obviously things like the DCS are expensive machines, but the cheaper ones still have that ability as well as the players I mentioned. This is something the 861se showed no sign of.

I havent heard the Ayre preamp in my own system, but I have heard it in a Ayre system. I quite like Ayre.