Hi Chadeffect,
You had the 861SE in your system, worked your best to optimize it by all possible means, and it still did not fulfill your requirements. Hence, you are certainly entitled to your opinion and I would regard your opinion as well-informed. Other well-informed users have contributed that this was not the case in their situation.
I think audiogoner Forteleza has gotten his moneys worth from this thread. This thread has presented a balanced view, and it seems to me that this is how it should work. Hence, we are all to be congratulated.
DCS certainly makes great digital. If the Wadia series 9 didn't exist, I'd probably seriously consider the Scarlatti.
I do think that digital has come of age in the last 5 years. CDPs now provide incredible resolution without grain or forwardness, particularly at the top tier. However, the 861SE Statement would still fare very well for the next 5-10 years, particularly now given its price point. I think Bar81 has come to appreciate that first hand.
Happy listening.