Yamaha NS 5000 w/ NAD M33

Currently driving my brand new Yamaha NS 5000's with my new NAD M33. (and they sound relatively well paired!)

I am considering adding an NAD M23 (200w) and bridging it with the M33 (200w) 

*but concerned it may be destructive to my new LS 5000's, (nominal 200w; max 600w)

Curious as to other more experienced users/dealers thoughts. Thank you.


@adamaxel I noticed on your photo that you have the tweeters on the outside. That is supposed to give a bigger sound stage and a bit less imaging. I have the tweeters on the inside and have not tried it the other way. 

Have you tried both ways?



I’ve had the NS5000 for a short while now. I got an offer I couldn’t refuse on my Schweikert from a guy who audited it earlier this year and sold it (i.e., my empty wallet became fulleth again). I was leaning a bit towards a Borresen, but, ended up pulling the trigger on the ns5000 instead.

I first tried the c5000+m5000 pairing on the ns5000 and was not content. I typically use the c5000+m5000 on my TAD and that is hog heaven. The m5000 doesn’t cut it for the ns5000....Yamaha...they can make their amps sound brilliant with their former nemesis’ speaker (Pioneer/TAD), but, can’t make that amp work for their own speaker (strange indeed).

I currently have the C5000+ Schiit Tyrs and GR openbaffle servo sub on the NS5000 and I am lost for words with the exquisite sound of the ns5000. I have also been content with usage of the modest schiit Kara. Schiit’s class Aish continuity topology is something special.

I’ve tried my Luxman c900u+m900u on the ns5000 and it is a different kind of nice, but, I seem to prefer the Schiit Tyr with it. I have become a Schiit fanboy of some sort 😂 

I’ve tried my Technics SU-R000 on the ns5000 and I don’t like that pairing. This speaker is fairly picky with amps, but, with the right pairing for one’s tastes, it is magical.



@deep_333 Awesome. I was wanting the KEF Blade Meta 2 but went for the safer NS5000 (harder to knock down). I would have been happy with both, but I am surprised at how amazing the NS5000 turned out to be.

I am also a huge Schitt fanboy. I am currently listening to the Mjolnir v3 preamp with the CODA #16 amp and Magnepan LRS+. I am using the bright Benchmark DAC3B which maybe the secret sauce to make this work.

When I tried the Mjolnir v3 with the CODA #16 and the Schitt Yggi+ Less Is More. I stopped listening after 2 songs, it was not my type of sound.

The Mjolnir is a keeper at $1200. Just got to find the proper pairing. It also pairs nicely with the Schitt Aegir ($800). I used that for headphones.

I have heard the Luxman c900u and the m900u with Harbeth. I feel the Harbeth are a little warmer than the NS5000. I loved the sound, but I could not see myself listening long term to such a warm system.

The CODA #16 I owned is not as warm as the Luxman. I also use a super neutral preamp, the Benchmark LA4 or Holo Serene with the NS5000.

I think a lot of people would think you are a bit nuts pairing the Yamaha with Schitt gear. Not me, those Schitt guys know what they are doing. My lower cost Schitt Yggi+ Less Is More replaced my Lumin X1 (partially replaced since the Schitt needs a streamer).



Reviews I've read suggest the NS-5000 leans towards the detailed, clinical side of neutral and if that's so wouldn't a tube amp or at least pre amp add some needed warmth to the speakers?

A couple of thoughts here:

If you are considering the purchase of an M23, that’s roughly a $3k investment. I’ll use that as a "baseline" for additional "financial headroom" in your system.

I’ll go along with others who have suggested room treatments. You can do alot for a fraction of your available budget. This is also consistent with your inquiry related to adding more power. Reducing reflections and quieting down those sounds that like to hang around for a while will improve the perceived dynamic contrast in the room. This may provide the sonic impact you are looking for, without adding more power.

One needs to ask what your goals might be in wanting to add more power? Typically, this is done when a system does not have the energy levels the listener is looking for. 2x the power = noticeable increases in SPL. However, if the desired outcome is in the deep bass region, this task may be better served handing off the responsibility to a powered subwoofer rather than "exercising" the NS-5000s woofers more aggressively. They won’t play as low as a high quality sub, and will, literally, die trying. Something to consider?

Also, I’m going to put this out there although some may disagree with this premise. I found that Class D amps are particularly picky about power delivery. That is to say that they sound much, MUCH better when supplied with excellent power. I’d start with replacing the wall plug with something better than builder grade, and pay close attention to power distribution/surge protection/filtering. Last, but certainly not least, try a variety of premium power cords to see which provides the best sonic benefit(s) to your system. IF, after doing some and all of the above, and you like what you are hearing, you might try replacing the 10A slow blow fuse with an "audiophile" fuse. Many on this forum (myself included) have found these to quite effective. Most offer return privileges if you don’t like what you hear. I’ll just state that unless you’ve done most of the above, you’ve not experienced the true sonic character of your NAD.

In summary, for less the cost of an M23, there are other options that will provide a more sonically rewarding experience. IF you do ALL the above and still want more impact then, by all means, add the M23. But, first things first.