Lumin U2 or Aurender N200

Looking for thoughts on these two streamers: Lumin U2 and Aurender N200.

I’m fully aware of the limitations and features from UI and Roon integration to design concepts and implementation (power supplies, caching, display, etc.)

Hoping to hear from those who had compared these two streamers. I’m also absolutely not interested in hearing from “it’s all 1s and 0s” crowd - this isn’t that forum and I kindly ask you to please stay out of this discussion.

Thanks and Happy Holidays to you all!!!


To bring out the best from Lumin U2, the fiber optic connection is the way to go. However, regular fiber optic converters will only make the sound worse. You need to use an audiophile switch with a fiber optic output to pair with U2.

I use a LHY SW-10 switch with a direct optic link between U2 and the switch, and the result is excellent. 


So it’s been a year plus since you got the N200.  Are you still loving it? Have you changed anything else since you bought it?

I’m looking to buy the same streamer, so I thought I’d ask.

@curiousjim no not a year just over 2 months. And yes I still love it!
I couldn’t help it but compare it to CD again a week ago and it is just awesome in every way!
I highly recommend it but since it’s a sizable purchase I would strongly advise you to audition it in your system against your current reference