Integrated amp: Component weight

I'm an older guy with a bad back looking to spend $5-10K on an integrated amp.  Before I get into functionality, connectivity, or even sound quality, my threshold considerations are price, power, and weight.  My 86dB-sensitivity Harbeths do best with the equivalent of a 200-300wpc solid-state unit, I need to drive a variety of analog & digital sources, hope to keep weight under 40lbs, and want to stay away from "classic" Class D designs.  Been there, done that, D simply didn't work in my system.

My question: Does anybody know of any published listing of amplifiers that compares products by weight or size?

So far, I've only found a few 15-35lb models that meet this initial filter, from sellers like Ayre, Devialet, & Bryston, and, surprisingly, even ARC.  However, there are connectivity & functionality issues that make these otherwise-terrific options a poor fit.

Any suggestions?


Several people above have suggested class D amps because of their light weight.  I have owned several class D amps and do not like their sound quality.  I suggest you audition any class D amps on your list before you purchase them. 


I'm very familiar with the sonic shortcomings of most Class D electronics.  In fact, that's one of the big motivators for my current upgrade: my current amplifiers are all Class D.  But don't make the mistake of thinking that, because the Devialet technically incorporates elements of Class D design, that it's what we typically think of as "Class D," or even as amps identified as "Class AD."  This circuit design, as the patent describes in detail, is something new, combining a PWM digital signal fed into a Class A output stage.  The split is also more along the lines of current amplification and voltage amplification stages, which is quite different than the Class D we've all grown to know and hate.

If you have the technical background to understand it, I'd suggest taking a look at that patent -- and the other patents that Devialet has filed re: this architecture.





I am not familiar with Devialet equipment but their integrated amp looks interesting. Will this amp work for you?     

I’m thinking of buying one from a dealer who has a 30-day return policy. It’s such an unusual piece of gear (and so lightly documented) that I might have to have one inhouse to even figure out if I can use it. This is the first amp I’ve seen that requires users to run a configuration program on a computer, store the config on an SD card, and then have the card inserted into the amp every time it boots up. It digitizes all incoming signals and subjects them to very heavy duty, system-specific, DSP in order to match its output to specific speakers systems and phono cartridges. So from a tech/gizmo perspective, it’s pretty fascinating.

How this will translate into sonics, especially on my system, I have no friggin’ idea. But reviews in the Stereophile/TAS mags give its sound quality extraordinary praise, at least among components in the $10K range.

OTOH, I’m just as likely at this point to KISS & go with one of the alternatives suggested in this thread (and enumerated a few messages above). Configuring the Devialet into my multi-channel, 50% analog-source, system, may be too complicated -- or even impossible.

Ya gotta love this hobby.


+1 to many suggestions for Ayre EX-8 v2.  I have this with the streamer/dac cards installed and it is ~24lb one-box solution that does streaming, DAC, preamp, and amp.  It sounds fantastic with my Sonus Faber speakers.