The molecular level explanation of "cable burn-in"

According to one cable seller

"The insulation (or dielectric) will absorb energy from the conductor when a current is flowing (i.e. when music is playing). This energy-absorption causes the dielectric's molecules to re-arrange themselves from a random order into a uniform order. When the molecules have been rearranged, the dielectric will absorb less energy & consequently cause less distortion."

So it’s the plastic polymer (as dielectric insulation) to undergo some sort of molecular rearrangements to minimize the distortion. Probably one of the greatest scientific discoveries ever!

“Many premium AC cords constrict or compress the audio transient as their characteristic impedance restricts the transient current.”

We all know impedance restricts current but how possibly “many” premium AC cords constrict/compress the audio transient (when not carrying audio signal)? Then again is it achieved by this molecular rearrangements of the cable insulation?

Unfortunately there are no measurement data or mathematical formulas to be found to back up this amazing scientific discovery. Simply “it happens”. So I came up with a formula for them.

∆E = P - SoT

∆E: energy absorbed by dielectric

P: energy (power) drawn from wall outlet

So : Smake Oile

T: Dielectric Transition Temperature

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The dielectric in your equation is effectively an insulator and as such does not absorb current.

I named the equation "The 1st law of S.O. Dynamics".


My point is the same as Paul from PS Audio. Even as a maker of high end gear, he clearly states “nobody hears the signal” and the single most important investment in your system is your speakers, because they create the sound pressure that moves your ear drums.

Thanks for the input. Are you aware that PSA sells power conditioners and power cables? He sells S.O. to those believers.


Newton’s THEORIES were largely superseded by Einstein and Bohr's.   Then came Feynman’s.   

Is F=ma one of his theories? I know his theory of gravitation but not sure about his other theories.


You know, if you can't even spell "snake oil" correctly as the OP couldn't,  I pretty much have to assume you're a fucking idiot.

At least you know how to spell smake oile corrctly your mom should be proud.



I could be mistaking, however I don't see a long visit by the classicrockfan on AudiogoN.


the cleaner the power (from the wall, cord, fuse and PS), the more faithfully the resultant signal, when it reaches your speakers for reproduction.

Do you know what EMI filter does and where it's located and how those x/y capacitors and common mode chokes work together to swamp out all EM interference noise that the power line picks up right from the power grid (not just the last 5 feet from the wall outlet) to your audio equipment. Yes the EMI filter should swamp out all RF signal from the power cable so the noise can't make it through the power supply of the audio unit. You just need a cable big enough to carry the current without heating up. And that's why you don't need a power conditioner either to clean the AC power from the wall outlet.

I bought amazon power cables for less than 50 and I love them because they please my eyes. They don't make my audio system sound any better than the stock power cord. What about $1000 power cables? A total waste of money. Nonetheless we all know "placebo effect" is alive and well so you'd believe a $1000 cable/the magic oil lamp makes your system sound better because you feel better about it.