Actually, the last high frequency oscillation problem I had involved a Conrad Johnson PV-10A tube preamp several years ago. A power supply cap went bad and it had a high frequency oscillation that I couldn't hear but fortunately my 24 year old son could. (It was up close to 20 KHz.)
Another option to consider for your operating system is Linux. I use that for my music server (Fedora Core 8). There are very few viruses for Linux and none that install at the "user" level. (You have to be "root" or "superuser" mode for a root-kit to install and proper Linux protocol dictates that you do not do day-to-day computing in that mode.)
Oh well, off to hear the Dublin Philharmonic tonight in a live concert. Remember to enjoy your music!
Another option to consider for your operating system is Linux. I use that for my music server (Fedora Core 8). There are very few viruses for Linux and none that install at the "user" level. (You have to be "root" or "superuser" mode for a root-kit to install and proper Linux protocol dictates that you do not do day-to-day computing in that mode.)
Oh well, off to hear the Dublin Philharmonic tonight in a live concert. Remember to enjoy your music!