I am a dealer for the amps I am about to mention, but I do feel they are worth considering:
Margules ACRH-4 - A Class A/B tube hybrid integrated amp using a pair of 12AU7 while including a decent MM phono stage. It is single ended only, no balanced connections. It only delivers 100 into 8 and 160 into 4, but it is also a fairly high current amplifier from what I’ve heard and does a good job controlling amps better than others in its price and power range. It’s under your budget, too.
Cambridge EDGE A - Sounds and performs like a Class A amplifier but also is excellent with microdetails at the frequency spectrum. Also British, the Cambridge EDGE series is very synergistic with Harbeth. It is still also only 100 into 8 and 200 into 4, but with Harbeths, I’ve found that high current is more important than high power. This is why they are often paired with tube amps.