Esoteric DV-50 or Meridian G-08.2 CD Player??

I just sold my krell kav 280 cd player and will be upgrading my digital source. I was originally looking for the esoteric X-03 or X-03SE but these are few and far between, and a bit out of my price range. I do not have any sacd's but have heard that the esoteric DV-50 is a good alternative for a cd player. Should I get the DV-50, or the well acclaimed Meridian G-08.2? I am also considering possibly an accuphase player. My budget is $2500. My system consists of the following:

Amp: Pass Labs X-250.5
Power Conditioner - BPT 2.5 Ultra Signature
Preamp- Krell Kav280P
Speakers- Totem Forest
Cables- Audiopath Custom Eight wire Silver (by Tom Hills at Hudson Audio)
CD Player - see thread... looking to upgrade esoteric, meridian or accuphase.

Any thoughts or recommendations is appreciated. Thanks.
Just a quick note.........I thought the Meridian
had more of a "live" sound than the Esoteric (on redbook). The Esoteric X-03SE is a no brainer though. I don't know the deals on the Meridian G-08v2......most of the players for sale here are V1.
The Esoteric X03SE smokes the G08. I think the X03 sounds better than the 808 (not signature, as I have not heard that). Not by much (redbook), but I preferred it and the SACD was a huge PLUS. Esoyerics are incredibly revealing and poor sounding CD's are absolutely terrible...but great CD's are awesome.
I did mean in my last post that the X03 is a no brainer compared to the DV-50s or the G08. It is a great player.
The Meridian is pretty good on older redbook cd's.
One reason I do like the G08.

Trust me I am a big Esoteric fan and these two companies would be the only road I would look for cd players now.

I have owned Mcintosh, Cambridge, Cary, Esoteric,
Meridian, NAD, Musical Fidelity and Rega just to name
a few. Trust me they all have there good points.

You cannot go wrong with either company. I still think overall redbook goes to the Meridian.......SACD and
hi-rez goes to Esoteric.