Roon Aquisition: Will This Help Or Hamper?


It’s been a couple of months since the acquisition. What are people’s thoughts so far? Obvious and not so obvious changes:

- Nucleus Titan and Nucleus One

- Interface seems a little bit snappier and responsive (at least for me)

- Requesting feedback via survey

- Tidal playlist synchronization (if I add track to a Tidal Playlist within Roon, the song is also added on the actual Tidal playlist). Unsure if this is recent, though, just something I recently stumbled upon.

- Folders for Roon playlists

- Still hoping for Roon Live Radio through ARC (fingers crossed)

Seems like there’s more positive than negative. 

I am fine with Roon, as always. 

However, they are still not shipping the Nucleus Titan or the Nucleus One.  Is there a parts (chip?) shortage affecting manufacturing? Good to see they are able to do the Nucleus One at only $500.  It has a fan but if you set it up away from your audio system that should be no big deal.

From one company kown for poor customer support to another company known for poor customer support.