Help with XLR ICs.

Ok gang. So here’s my situation. I’m looking to upgrade my XLR ICs. I’ve been using Straightwire Crescendo XLR ICs for many years now. I originally bought them for my first system I put together about 10 years ago. Since then I have totally upgraded my whole system including PCs which are 4 Audioquest Dragons (2) HC and (2) source. I really did want to go with Audioquest Dragons for my XLR ICs. But the prices for them brand new is to high for me. 2 m xlr are 18k and 1 m are 12k. I was looking for used for a few months now but never ever seen any that were ever for sale used. I also am using Straightwire Crescendo speaker cables which are quad wired. That’s 2 pairs for ea speaker going into ea mono amp. So u can imagine what the AQ Dragon quad wired speaker cables would cost.100k ++ That being said I will be keeping for now my Straightwire Crescendo speaker cables. So back to my original question post. What high end XLR ics would be a lot better than my Straightwire Crescendo XLRs. Budget is about 4k a pair. And will need 2 pairs. 2 m and 1 m. . I really did like the Straightwire Crescendos ICs and speaker cables for their powerful bass as they are also known for. So that being said I would like high end ICs that are known also for extremely good bass. My system consists of ARC Ref 750s mono blocks. ARC Ref 6Se pre. ARC ref 9 CDP. And a McIntosh MQ 112 EQ.  

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtattooedtrackman

@yoyoyaya I just was talking to my ARC dealer and he suggested that if I can’t afford or find the Audioquest Dragons XLR cables used that the AQ Thunderbirds are phenomenal cables for the price. I also will be looking at trying to find the AQ Firebird XLR used. This is the top of the line AQ cables. Dragon > Firebird > Thunderbird. So with that being said that’s my goal.  

I’ve had the top 4 AQ IC in my system ( 2 M XLR ) between REF Phono 2se > REF 5se for 2 weeks ( this is where it helps to have a relationship w a dealer w muscle = Audio Ultra in Seattle ). You can see pics of the rest of the system ….. AQ wild Blue out to the monoblocks on the virtual system pages. IMO Pegasus and next higher are value game changers…. great copper bass that gives up a whisker of definition each time you climb higher in Silver….. 

Best to you in your musical quest !
Ref 750 w 6 is quite something :-)…

@tattooedtrackman a friendly warning…careful buying used AQ cables. Lots of fakes in circulation. Applies to Nordost as well. 
Here’s an example…AQ Thinderbird

AQ will validate but will also destroy fakes - reputable sellers shouldn’t mind routing the cable to Irvine, CA for that verification or providing equivalent documentation….