Wadia 170iTransport - To mod, or not to mod?

It's been about a year now with my iTransport so I thought it was time to research mods and get opinions, recommendations.

I became interested after recently seeing the CIAudio VDC 9.0 power supply. Would this make a difference though since I plug mine into a Walker VelocitorS already? It's almost the price of the iTransport too. Plus it would require another power cord.

I'm sure there's various internal parts that would benefit, but the only other mod I had considered was upgrading the SPDIF RCA jack to a WBT NextGen Ag. I wonder if Wadia has made any changes since mine?
I'd focus my attention on the clock and DAC downstream of the Wadia. IMHO, it only makes sense to mod the Wadia if you use its analog outputs.

I'm using mine with the Playback Designs MPS-5 as the DAC. The designer claims zero jitter and I can't hear anything to dispute this. When I compare iPod to Wadia to PD output to the PD using it's internal transport. If your DAC or separate clock is going to reclock the Wadia's output, then the ICs and connections make little or no difference, IME.

I made up my mind: TADAC
I'll let you know how it goes when I get it here and up and running.

i just had a look upon what the modifiers do with the 170i.
My opinion, and please correct me if you think it´s wrong, is, that to give the wadia a better POWERUNIT, a better PLUG(WBT Next Gen?) to the digital output and a better DIG.CABLE, may also bring a better performance using a external DAC, cause the incoming digital signal should be less jittery , to make the job a little bit easier for your converter.
ALL THE OTHER MODIFICATIONS, i think, are only intersting for people who have no digital input in their other equipement, cause it only makes the internal DAC and it´s analog output-transformer better.
I´m very interested in the experiances of the people, who have the mods on their player, using an additional DAC.
Logical thinking on good sound, very often seems not the wright way to improve............

In some aspekts of High End i was wrong over decades.

In the result, today i listen to everthing i read, even it seems to be impossible.

hello everyone,

if you click on my system you will see my comments on the upgrade i did to my wadia.
Wow, the TADAC solved everything I wanted solved in my system.

I had Wadia > Onkyo 885 > Sunfire TGA-7400 > Salk SongTowers.

I wanted to improve the already great sounding digital path of music in 2 channel audio while keeping it all user friendly (WAF).

I added a TADAC with HT bypass: Onkyo pr-sc885 Pre > TADAC > Sunfire TGA-7400 > bi-wired to Salk SongTowers (because TGA-7400 has current source and voltage source outputs).

The TADAC, as far as I know, is the only DAC with HT bypass available. It also is a superb preamp, re-clocks the incoming music data (de-jittering), and offers beautiful tube sound.

Thumbs up TADAC: Wow, wow, wow.
I thought my system sounded good before .

Improvements: detail, texture, separation, LIVE-liness !!!


* Sound, sound, sound.
* HT bypass working flawlessly. The TADAC can be ON or OFF and HTbypass works perfectly.
* No problems, hum, difficulties.
* It is all working via Harmony remote (turn on Activity "Digital Music" and the Onkyo 885 preamp shuts off and the Harmony uses the TADAC's volume control and mute. Turn on a DVD or TV, etc., and the Onkyo comes on and feeds front channels though the TADAC which has stayed on but the music was stopped automatically.
* Sound, sound, sound.


* It's not the prettiest.
* It does not power on/off via remote but by a large toggle on the rear.
* To keep the signal path short, the outputs do not mute when the headphone jack is used. You have to unplug the outputs to use headphones. Mine are hard to reach so it's a good thing I rarely want to use headphones. When I do, maybe it will be extra great with the short signal path....

Last positive: Paul is great to order from. He designs and builds the TADAC and he answers all questions via email.

Last negative: Paul has stopped building the TADAC but the good news is that he is building a new "PreDAC" which I assume will be similar but better?!

For me this answers the question to mod or not. At least for now. The music is so much improved.