dcs/JM Labs Upgrade Question

Looking for advice on which piece of gear will give the biggest improvement. For roughly $4,000, would you buy a dcs Purcell/Delius or Focal 1027be speakers?

My current system is:

CEC Tl1 transport/Meridian 518/Sonic Frontiers SFD-2
Cary SLP 98 pre
Cary 211 AE monoblocks
Focal 926 speakers
Nice power/interconnects throughout... Nordost, Shunyata (cables/power conditioner)

Not that this figures into the digital equation but I have a:
VPI Scoutmaster with SDS, outer ring, stainless center weight, Benz H2... all on a Ginko Cloud 11.


I had the JM Labs 927Be's and I have heard the 926's many times. The 1027's are much better in all around function than those the other two. I could not believe the difference. I would go for the speakers. You will keep them for a very long time and you will be rewarded by any other upgrades you make be it amp or cd player.
FWIW I agree with Syntax as I have found over many years that upgrading speakers especially in the same family made the most difference to me.
