Burr-Brown PCM63 vs 1732

Just acquired a Onix XCD-88 with a (single I believe) 24bit onboard DAC. Would an Adcom GDA-600 (ca 1993; with dual 20bit PCM63) be a step up?
Spring for the new Sony XA5400ES with a street price of $1100 and you will be state of the art for years to come:O)
Onix is a cloned Music Hall CDP and has recieved many accolades on agon over the years. If you decide to keep the Onix you may want to upgrade the op-amps to 627's. Will need to mount them to brown dog adaptors. They're a fairly inexpensive upgrade that pays for itself in performance. The 627's pull great amounts of detail from the discs. The Onix also casts a very wide soundstage. It's not a bass monster. It also decodes HDCD, you may have hdcd discs that you don't realize you own until the Onix tells you. A nice feature. At its agon price point, the Onix is a really nice piece to enjoy on your way to a higher performance machine such as recommended by Dave b.
Thank you for your responses. Yes, I'm planning on the opamp upgrade. But, I'm hoping someone has an opinion as to whether an old (ca 1993) adcom external DAC with 2 20bit burr-brown PCM63 would be an improvement over the single burr-brown 24bit 1732 onboard the onix. Thank you.