What is the name of your system.

I can see that most of us care a lot about our stereo like after our own children. Our children all have names but what about our audios?

My system is called Stereologue 2.1a
2.1a means a version number(code)
Mine is either referred to as simply “the rig” or including its room it is known as “my/the underground lair”.
Relief, or john jacob jingleheimer schmidt.....but that is cornfed's name too. :~) Doug
No one has yet named the entire system. However my wife has taken it upon herself to begin assigning names to certain specific components within the system. My BAT 150SE amps are referred to as "those tooby things" and my Dunlavy SC VI's are referred to as "a couple of Stonehedge remnants awaiting the arrival of the Druids to celebrate the summer or winter solstice".
Stonehenge.. hahah... i can relate.

Just picked up a transport last week. The face looks like it is carved out of rock but is really Corian (sp ??? ). My girlfriend referred to it as "the CD player that the Flintstones used to own" : )

Since my girlfriend relates best to speakers (they are the largest component and most varied in terms of looks ), she knows what models i have by name and location. With that in mind, we used to simply refer to which speaker was in the system and we could communicate if there was a problem or something needed attention, etc... The only problem is that i sometimes rotate speakers / try out various models in different places / break out some of the "spares" for occasional use, etc.... To keep things simple, we ended up refering to what room they are in i.e. living room system, computer room system, bedroom system, basement system, etc... This has worked out much better for us since the rooms never change even though the components might : ) Sean