Connection options from Node to Denafrips Iris to Pontus

What cables do you recommend to connect from a Node to a Denafrips Iris to a Denafrips Pontus?  I'll be using XLR's from the Pontus to my preamp.


It is true that there is no agree upon standard, but the Pontus does have configurable inputs on it's I2S should there be an incompatibility. I do know that Audioquest 48 cables are compatible


Also you could always pop an email to Alvin Chee at Vinshine (I'm assuming that's where you are buying your equipment?), he'll be more than happy to give you some recommendations on good I2S cables for the Iris/Pontus pairing


   Excellent idea.   I'll touch base with Alvin. I have a couple of photos of the connection side of the Node that may help.  It is a 2i, so that may not be good news.

It is a 2i, so that may not be good news.

Bad news is that’s not gonna work as it’s only got SPDIF and optical outs. Sorry man, I feel for ya FWIW. Good news — Daddy gets to shop for a new, better streamer! Woohoo!!!

Are all HDMI cables able to support I2S? I’ve seen on some discussions that you have to be careful of what I2S cable is used because there is no standard and some companies us different formats.

From what I’ve read any “normal” HDMI cable should work perfectly fine, and your main concerns should be sound quality and budget. Hell, I’m using a sub $5 6” HDMI cable from Monoprice, and not only does it work it’s been excellent to the point I’m in no rush to upgrade, so if that works it’s really not something worth worrying about. The bigger issue is the non-standard i2S pin configuration, but since your DAC and DDC are Denafrips you’re obviously all good there. Now, about that streamer…