sony scd-777 dac vs PS Audio DLIII DAC

I have the sony scd-777es (without mods) which i want to improve... I am getting a great price on a new PS Audio Digital Link III. Does it make any sense to use the sony as a transport connected to the PS Audio DLIII? In other words, is the DAC in the 777es better than the PS Audio DAC?

If the sony's inbuilt dac is not better, then would level 2 mods on the sony be a better use for the money than the PS Audio? The sony's slowness doesnt bother me, I am only interested in improving the sound. thanks
I've owned a Levinson 39, 390s, 360s/37, Wadia 861SE, BAT VK D5 23bit, MF A5, Krell SACD standard, Sony SCD-1 and XA9000ES plus a brief stiny with an XA777ES. Oh, I had an ARC CD 3 as well. Hardly a Sony fanatic. It amazes me how many people hook up bargain outboard DAC's which require more cables and power cords for their mediocre performance to be realized or even better, they spend good money on modifications to outdated gear. I mentioned the Sony because it is world class performance for a bargain basement mods or outboard nonsense needed.
Dave sure does seem to like that Sony, and based on everything he has owned, I won't argue with him ! I agree on all the mods and DACS, and have never went there myself either. I am currently happy with my NAD M5 Master Series SACD/CD, seems to work well for the level of performance I need. If I was going to look at anything more expensive then the NAD M5, I would certainly think about the new Sony, which is quite a bit cheaper then the NAD new.
So what my pals on Audiogon advise for a guy who has an SCD777es and wants to spend $650 to improve his front end, is the following:
1. Get the new Sony SCD-XA5400es. Problem is I cannot find a single proper review or comparison of this player from an unbiased source.
2. Get a power conditioner: Problem is I am not sufficiently educated in the art of audiophilia to know what the power conditioner does or is :-( Can someone explain?
3. any other ideas guys??
Incidentally, I have a tube amp from Audiovalve in Germany and have the Asa pro grande speakers from France (see photo link below in French but some of the stuff is in English as well).
My speaker cables and interconnects are crap (the most expensive monster cable).
In English about my beloved speakers:

anyway looking forward to your advice on my 650 bucks and the front end!