Yes, it’s difficult to get people to understand that Class A push-pull is quite a different animal than the much more common Class AB push-pull. I understand the reasons for Class AB ... it’s much more efficient, but Class A working is not the same, since device switching and the saturation region are avoided.
It’s also kind of funny seeing the solid-state fraternity tap-dance around various sliding-bias schemes and the marketing attempts to call them "Class A". Well no, they’re not, since the clever sliding-bias system is always just a little behind the musical content. And genuine (thermal) Class A transistor amps require stupendously large heat-sinks or fan cooling.
I remember all the marketing about "cool-running" transistor amps in the late Sixties. Yes, they ran cool if the Class A region was 1 watt or less, and the rest of the operating envelope was Class B. The A/B switching region was especially offensive with the quasi-complementary amps of the first and second generation. The third generation, in the late Seventies, finally had access to decent quality complementary devices, although dog-slow by modern standards.
Class A working is actually easier with vacuum tubes, since you don’t need a monster heat sink. Solid-state reliability drops pretty fast above 80 deg C, so heat sinks and efficient thermal design are mandatory. By contrast, vacuum tubes operate quite happily at very high temperatures (short of red-plating). If you can accept lower power, it’s easily within reach by altering bias points and the primary impedance of the output transformer.
I agree with you about the merits of single-ended vs Class A push-pull (or balanced). The only indisputable advantage of SE operation is avoiding the zero-crossing region in the output transformer, but this comes at a massive cost in core size and the requirement for a large air gap, which in turn erodes bandwidth. Skillful output transformer design can work around the problems of the zero-crossing region ... this is largely a solved problem.