‘British Sound’ represents audio in its purest form.
ergo, an unadulterated and true representation of what the artists intended when they first plugged in their gear at the recording studio. For want of a better phrase,Brit OEM’s don’t like to ’muck about’ with the sound at all.
IMO, they also have a class leading exceptional midrange reproduction and a flat frequency curve. Ditto for their speakers .
“ …. If you get the midrange”right”, everything falls into place, But, if you get it “wrong”…then, All the king’s horses, and all the king’s men ,,,,”
(1);My top vote of your limited three integrated amp choices listed.EXPOSURE….full stop.
(2) (Note: if your budget permits a boost, then think REGA OSIRIS for a whole massive step-up.in audio performance …fwiw,)
Chhose wisely.