Anyone still using CD mats?

I'd like to hear from those who use a mat on a drawer loading CD. After discovering the "clear" improvements using the Ultrabit Platinum-after never having used such CD treatments previously- I thought I should try a mat with my Lexicon RT-20. The question is-which one?
I hope this is appropriate but I am a dealer for and recommend the Millenium carbon fiber
cd mat. Try it for a week and if you don't, return it for a full refund. Search the discussion forums here and you'll find comments about it.
I use the German mat , I think it is the Millennium, that is made of carbon fiber and runs about $110. I think it is a definite improvement. My wife could hear it and she is not an audiophile. I use to use a metal mat in the early days but it is too thick for modern players. Another trick we use to use was to put 2 CDs in the drawer. The modern ones also absorb stray light according to their makers. I still have the green marker sold to do this in the old days. I think I got mine from Music Direct. I believe that they have a return policy so you could try with little risk. The mat is very thin so it should work.
Rloggie, In my opinion, since you disclosed you are a dealer, AND offered a complete refund after an in home demo, you are completely within the realm of what is appropriate. More should follow your example.
I had not seen Rloggie's post when I wrote mine, I would take him up on it, my friends could also hear a difference on one of their systems.
Psacanli...My website is Click on Millenium Mats at the top then use the paypal button if you like. Free shipping is included also.