@rodman99999 First you say
No one can tell you whether/how your system, room and/or ears will respond to some new addition. There are simply too many variables.
LIKEWISE: no one can possibly know whether a new addition (ie: some kind of disc, crystal, fuse, interconnect, speaker cable, etc) will make a difference, in their system and room, with their media and to their ears, without trying them for themselves.
Many cable vendors have fairly knowledgeable people manning their phone lines & e-mails*, available to guide you, based on your equipment, finances and listening habits/desires.
Why would it matter what those knowledgeable people say? I’m not trying to be obtuse here, but that makes no sense. I feel like you are trying to sell me on these websites.
So back to my original questions, but more specific:
1. Can you name one attribute you look for in speakers that tells you they will be “high enough resolving” when researching a purchase?
2. Can you name one attribute you look for in amplifiers that tells you that they will be “high enough resolving” when researching a purchase?
I have no idea, at this point, whether cables make a difference because I’m currently looking at system options to purchase. But it appears that I won’t have any luck with cables unless my system is “high enough resolving”. That is what I’m shooting for. There has to be a way to look at these things prior to purchasing that will give me an idea of how they perform, correct? Some of these speakers and amps weigh hundreds of pounds, and even with free return shipping will be a giant pain to return.