I don't get it...Exile on main Street-Blue

I love to listen to great podcast/interviews with great musicians. Last night i listened to Rick Beato interview Maynard from the great band Tool. Besides being a fantastic conversation, Maynard told Rick the two most influential albums for his music inspiration are Joni Mitchell Blue, and Black Sabbath's first self titled record.

I understand and love Black Sabbaths first record, but I have listened to JM Blue countless times and just don't understand what the hype is. Full disclosure I love female vocalists, and I also love Joni's  Court and a Spark. With that said I have heard many musicians rave about Blue. Please enlighten me-what am I missing ?

The other head scratcher for me is Exile on Main Street by the Stones. Again I have heard many musicians rave about this double album. I don't get it... Beggars Banquet-Let it Bleed-Sticky Fingers are so much better in my opinion, but just like Blue, It seems like musicians much prefer Exile on Main Street.

I know its all subjective...but these are two records I have never learned to appreciate. Thoughts ?


Well, as a huge fan of the run spanning Beggar's Banquet through Sticky Fingers, my reaction to Exiles was the same as yours.  I WANTED to like it, I believed it when people so much smarter  than me told me I was SUPPOSED to like it, but I just couldn't break into it.  Over the years, I've owned 3 or 4 copies, all of which I played in depth, and then finally gave up and sold.  There's obviously something there, but other than maybe 2 or 3 tracks, nothing to compare with the accomplishments of the preceding albums.

As Kavi says, to each his own.


I think critiques don't want to be mainstream. Why is Sgt. Pepper rated ahead of Abbey Road? I never understood it.

I’d love to hear a Taylor Swift covering Joni Mitchell album!

Those two bimbos rock! You know, as much as they can for being women...

. . . come to think of it, I do have the Diana Krall Live In Paris SACD with a cover of "A Case Of You" that I really like. And . . . (wait for it) . . . that cover is also included on the double SACD The Wonderful Sounds Of Female Vocals (NOT The Wonderful Sound Of Female VocalISTS as I typed previously).

(And this is also a good time to correct another earlier post I made: my redbook copy of Blue is on DCC--NOT mfsl.)

Why is Sgt. Pepper rated ahead of Abbey Road? I never understood it.

Check with Maxwell Edison on that.

"I think critiques don’t want to be mainstream. Why is Sgt. Pepper rated ahead of Abbey Road? I never understood it."

Nary impossible to come up with the definitively best, or who’s ahead of who Beatles album. When your choices are for example, between Sgt. Pepper and Abbey Road, both brilliant but not parallel in their style executions, so subjectivity plays a big role in that whole mugwumpery.

Now, throw Revolver, Rubber Soul, The Beatles (White Album) in the mix and you’ll never get a definitive answer. All brilliant in their own right with differing styles, musicianship, song writing maturity, etc...

Personally I don’t think I could pick a favorite.