Just in case my phone no is
three 6 zero
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I look forward to seeing you then.
Axpona 2024 who is going and why?
Join music lovers and audiophiles from around the world as they descend upon the nation’s largest showcase of manufacturers and retailers ever assembled in one venue only at AXPONA.
Theoretica Applied Physics BACCH-SP adio Stereo Purifier - A Princeton professor of physics has spent decades figuring out how to make stereo sound more realistic. Now, with the “Band-Assembled Crosstalk Cancellation Hierarchy” (BACCH) processor, you can hear stereo imaging as never before...
If you have the time, go and listen to the RAAL 1995 Magna and Immanis headphones at Axpona. I just heard it earlier today. The same headphone that is going to Axpona. I took my RAAL VM-1a amp to hear them and this same model amp was shipped to Axpona yesterday. I have 1 tube that is different, but what will be at Axpona is almost the same as what I heard. This thing was so good that I am trying to figure out what to put up for sale tonight to get this phone. I need to get another job. I am a 2-channel person, and headphones were never my thing, however, go have a listen and judge for yourself. The phones I heard today are going to The Absolute Sound and Stereophile after Axpona. Just spectacular sound.
I will be attending this year. I have never been to an audio show, so I want to see the spectacle. But the main reason is to hear the signature sound of more equipment, especially speakers. I have been living in the KEF world for a long time, and I am satisfied, but I have a list of speakers I want to hear when I am there. I realize that you can't get a true demo of speakers in that environment, but just looking to get a feel for the sound of the ones on my list and probably a few I don't know about. @blisshifi I will be driving down from Duluth, I will try to stop by the DH booth and say hi!