Digital cable optimal length?

Last time I asked about optimal phono cable length, i got mostly answers like 1.5 m or less. I had experimented since then using 6 ft long RCA/RCA as phono cable and compared with same make 1.5 RCA/RCA cable as phono for along time with all my three TT set ups and result was same.

it does DETERIORATE the sound quality drastically as the cable gets longer (i had tried 4ft long also)

Now the question about digital cable.
Would having 3 m long BALANCED /BALANCED digital cable have similar results?
Have you tried?

The link Rodman provided to Markertek's catalog entry for the Canare connector is fairly persuasive, I think ("200MHz performance/vswr less than 1.1"), assuming it is factual.

Also, note that the connector is designed to be crimped, which perhaps answers Dazzdax's question.

I should point out, though, that an ohmmeter will be of no help in determining the impedance of a connector (or a cable, for that matter). It will indicate an open circuit (infinity ohms), because impedance and vswr (reflection) effects only come into play at high frequencies. Specialized test equipment that feeds a high (e.g., rf) frequency signal into the device under test would be required to make a meaningful measurement.

-- Al
How come NONE of you have referred to this article which seems to give some reasons for using 1.5m length for digital cables???
Bombaywalla, you caught me out. Steve Nugent of Empirical Audio with his paper in Positive Feedback is at the bottom of the whole affair and should get credit for it. I did refer to this paper in at least one of the posts to which Almarg has linked or referred, above.

I would like to add that IMVHO Almarg does the best job I have yet read of explaining the technology involved.