Anyone use a DVD player as a front end?

I was at a friends home today and listened to his system which is fronted by a Pioneer DVD player. My friend plays CD's on the DVD player and in his very nice system,the sound was extraordinary. Far superior to many transport/DAC combos that I have heard. What's going on?
It's even more interesting that they're using a 9 year-old player via the analog outputs. Pioneer actually used to produce some excellent players with great transports (I think it was their Elite PD65), but the player you mention is definitely not one of them. When you qualify your original statement with the fact that your system does sound better (sigh of relief), it does put it in a different perspective as well. I guess it brings up the point of diminishing returns on investment in various aspects of our system. I wonder what you would have thought of their player had you swapped out something better in direct comparison within the same system. I would guess you'd hear greater resolution, superior extension, and a more engaging presentation overall (greater PRAT). I use an Oppo 983H strictly as a transport (digital out to Modwright Transporter DAC), but then I listen to PC Audio 90% of the time so the only disc that's spinning is my computer's hard drive. The OPPO works great as a transport, but is pretty much the equal of the PC audio tracks in direct comparison. Given your last post to qualify the original, and that your friend had an otherwise very good system, it does not surprise me that they could get decent sound from a DVD player. What is surprising is your statement that it sounded better than many transport/DAC combinations you've heard, but then again, you are stating that from aural memory (not that great in humans), and from having heard those other front ends in entirely different systems and different rooms, likely with different music. Again, I'd suggest if you compare directly in the same room and system to a better option you'd probably realize the differences. That, or the Pioneer DV414 is the greatest sleeper unit ever built and you've just started a run on eBay for bargain hunters to replace their Play Stations they've been using.

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I can only speak about Benchmark. Its jitter bandwidth is 3Hz and at frequencies of interest (kHz) has way over 100dB of suppression. Benchmark tested it with 1000' of digital cable and couldn't hear any difference. People that have Benchmark cannot even hear difference between coax and cheap plastic Toslink. Most of people (Benchmark forum) said that transport did not make any audible difference. I value experiment - If you find that it makes difference then get good transport. I'm just saying that some upsampling/jitter rejecting DACs might sound exactly the same wit different transports and one might feel stupid with no sonic improvements from expensive transport vs cheap DVD player. Don't buy transport first as some advise - cheap DVD player might do it (and they have great tracking).

Al - the best digital cable supposed to be 1.5m to avoid reflections from impedance boundaries coming back straight at the edge. There are Bergeron diagrams showing what happens to edge with different propagation times and slew rates.
Al - the best digital cable supposed to be 1.5m to avoid reflections from impedance boundaries coming back straight at the edge. There are Bergeron diagrams showing what happens to edge with different propagation times and slew rates.

Yes, exactly! That's what was said in the link I provided.

Interesting comments about the Benchmark -- thanks.

-- Al
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