Ayre's new Minimum Phase filter

Has anyone heard Ayre's new CD players or its new DAC with the Minimum Phase filter or has anyone returned his or her C-5xe for upgrade with the new MP filter? If so, what do you think of the sound?
Ag insider logo xs@2xcipherjuris
re. Ayre: typical response from Ayre re. the cost for upgrades. I have found their service to be nothing short of exemplary. However the cost they charge for upgrades says something about their company and is someting I wish more companies would adopt. Other hi-end companies (Pass, CJ, etc.) provide excellent service but Ayre seems to go one step further in terms of doing everything possible to keep the costs of upgrades to minimum (and no, I am not a dealer).
Just got my C-5xe back from Ayre with the MP upgrade installed. I ran it in for 24 hours, then had a listen.

The improvement in low level resolution and imaging was immediate and dramatic. Ditto for tonal textures. Separate musical instrumental lines were more clearly delineated and followed. Overall, presentation was more relaxed and the music seemed to flow more like the real thing.
I got my upgraded C-5xe back about two weeks ago and agree with the comments above. Cipherjuris nailed it regarding the improvements, especially regarding imaging and delineation of distinct instrumental lines. I really had no great expectations but was pleasantly surprised by the level of improvement. Recommendation to C-5xe owners: get in line, you will not be disappointed.
Hello, got my CX-7E back with the MP upgrade, cost was $250. plus dealer shipping to Ayre, plus sales tax. This is a no brainer, a very substanial improvement.