Audio Research Ref CD8 vs Esoteric X03SE

Looking to take my digital front end up a few notches and am looking at the CD8 and the X03SE. I have an Audio Research Ref3 preamp, Pass Labs X250.5 amp, and Magnepan 20.1 speakers and want a CD player with good bottom end control and extension. Need help deciding.
I am using a cd8 with a ref 3. The bass is VERY tight and not at all "flabby". Better bass control is one of it's strengths compared to the cd 7 which I used to own. What you would enjoy in your system however comes down to your own personal taste but the cd 8 has excellent " bottom end control". High frequency " extension" is harder to quantify but for a tube player the cd 8 sounds clear as a bell and very natural. There is a very long thread here on "type 1" vs. "type 2" cd player catagories and the two players represent good designs of each. They are different but what is better is up to you not the clearly biased opinions of others. - Jim
ime, if you're looking for bottom end control you go with Esoteric or Wadia.
I am happy to have generated this discussion. To fine tune my dilemma, I have always loved ARC gear. I had an old SP6C for years then went to the BAT31SE and it was quiet but too dark and went back to ARC ref 3. I enjoy the bloom and was thinking the Ref CD8 would provide system synergy and was leaning more toward it. Like others have mentioned, the X03SE is cheaper and I don't know if its bass is "better" or not, but musicality is important also. I guess I'm trying to convince myself that the bass of the CD8 is worth having and would be more analog like than the X03, unless I'm mistaken. Please, more input. Keep going, I love this discussion.
I ,too, am a big fan of ARC.
I own the LS26 and CD3 and am looking at the REF110 or CD8
for my next upgrade move.
The Esoteric and ARC both make great sounding units and both have different sounds.
It depends on what sound you're use to listening to.
My CD3 sounds better with my ARC pre-amp than the other brand I had.
Happy Listening.