What works for you works for you. But professing what you perceive should apply to others’ perceptions and/or use cases? Better off having some evidence.
@benanders Yeah, and if a frog had wings he wouldn’t bump his ass a hoppin’. Back in the real world and in most cases there is limited or no “evidence,” especially with something like cables. I mean, that’s why we’re here — to give others an indication of something they might or might not want to audition or try, not to profess as you say that our perceptions will necessarily be the same as theirs, but indications can still be very useful and helpful despite the inherent variability. (BTW, when I said I can hear differences that are clear, consistent, and repeatable I was saying for me — not necessarily others — in response to your assertion based on some study somewhere that people’s aural memory is crap and you need a flip switch to reliably discern differences — I again say hogwash to that.) People here understand that “your mileage may vary” when it comes to other’s opinions/perceptions, especially when it comes to cables, so once again we get back to you ultimately need to trust your ears because they’re the only variables that matter in the end. And measurements are not comprehensive or foolproof either and so as with perceptions are also just an indication so best to use both if possible IMO.