40+ watts SET, cost is not a problem


Hope everyone is well here. I am visiting after a long time. I have a query on behalf of a close buddy of mine. He is using a pair of TAD CR1x loudspeakers. Gorgeous speakers for sure. The source is an EMT 927 TT & JPA66 preamp. For the amplification things are getting tricky. He has tried the TAD M700s reference power amp and while it sounds very controlled, it doesn't have the openness and dimensionality of tone that a good tube/SET amp provides. We are considering trying a good SET for this system. Given that TAD needs some power blossom well and expand on effortlessly, at least 40 watts of SET power would be needed. The quick choices are Kondo Kagura & Wavac HE833 Mk2. But I need more suggestions on these and other comparative products.

1. Has anyone heard the Kondo and Wavac gears to suggest a comparison? I am just a bit worried on the amount of Silver used in Kondo. I have normally found that silver takes away something from the flow and harmonics. Tell me more about it.

2. What other options can be considered in this realm? No SS please. Looking for SET options primarily.


Room size is moderate 17 x 13 feet. Music preferred are classic rock, jazz, pop and some classical



Audio Mirror / 45 watt single ended monoblocks using 2x 6c33 per block.
Used can be found for $2 - 3K. Good used value, sound fantastic and great customer service from Vlad.

+1, from personal experience and long-time owner of these amps. But if you have the budget pick up a new pair - still a great value.

I have been down this road many years ago and found a place where I have remained settled throughout the years since the end design for the Commission Built Amp's have been realised.

In my early days of Audio System Building, I migrated from SS to a Valve Pre Amp and PP Power Amp.

After the Honeymoon period, I ventured into the world of Valve equipment very deeply and was influenced by the SET Designs > Horn Speaker / Cabinet Speakers I was encountering. Following the profound experience a Tim De Paravicini Demonstration had on me, a whole new way of thinking about how I was to move forward appeared.

I was very much more aware of the Speaker Type I wanted to continue with, and how I wanted these to be driven.

I took the discussion to a very experienced Valve EE, and the Journey was embarked on to what was to become bespoke built 845 PP Monoblock Power Amp's.

These are a design optimised for the 845 at a 25 Watt Output, (following description might be a little off, its been a while), they are Class A, Linear, Feedback used ?? Point to Point Circuit with Hand Wound Power and Output Tranx.

At the time of these being produced there was little like them on offer as a Product, and one Brand was offering a 211 Monoblock @ approx' £50K.

I have not heard many set ups that can produce Headroom like these Amp's and have compared them to other Amp's over the years, they have always remained very impressive, and really get the best out of all Speakers met to date. 

The Thread in the Link, has covered the design / build of a 300B as a joint venture between two time served EE's specialising in Audio Equipment.

A offer has even been made of a very late in the development prototype, that would be a great experience, and possibly one that may be a keeper as I have found with my own experience.




Your speakers are not exactly easy to drive at 85db 4 ohms. I'm going to echo what many have already said, and that is you night not be happy with a SET amplifier.....you may have to drive it hard to get what you are looking for, and that may take the "magic" out of a SET amp.

You have some really good recommendations, and I'll add one more. I'd give Aric Kimball a call at Aric Audio (Google search for information), to get his input. He gives very freely of his time, and sells a bunch of amps you may want to consider: a couple of 300B amps, a 2A3 amp, the Transcend "Push Pull" (is what I own), a KTand a pair of monoblocks.....several might be excellent for what you are looking for. He also loves custom builds, many of his current lines started out as custom builds

I know you said no solid state, but at least look at the specs of the CODA S5.5 class A SS amp......I have had one for about a month, and it's truly amazing; huge current delivery on hand

@brandonwade ,

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"What’s most disturbing is voicing a $30k Amp through a pair of Tektons…."
