Anyone hear the Clarisys speakers, particularly the Minuets?
And what type of room treatment did they use behind the speakers?
Axpona 2024 who is going and why?
Join music lovers and audiophiles from around the world as they descend upon the nation’s largest showcase of manufacturers and retailers ever assembled in one venue only at AXPONA.
Theoretica Applied Physics BACCH-SP adio Stereo Purifier - A Princeton professor of physics has spent decades figuring out how to make stereo sound more realistic. Now, with the “Band-Assembled Crosstalk Cancellation Hierarchy” (BACCH) processor, you can hear stereo imaging as never before...
@shkong78 You’re not the only person I know that had stomach issues at show time. A friend from my town made it on Friday but was sick all of Saturday from something he ate on Friday night. Any chance you guys ate the same thing? I hope you feel better now. This year’s showings were different for me. I’m accustomed to the big rooms sounding a lot better than they did this time around. I didn’t have all that much time to listen as I had tons of business to conduct and support to provide, but my favorites were some of the smaller rooms. Synergistic Research always puts on a great system, and this time was no exception with the prototype of the new PowerCell 14. I’d say the sound was more immersive at the Southwest Audio Fest, but they had a much, much bigger room there. I’d say when I visited their room at AXPONA, the sound was more focused and detailed, in consideration of a smaller room. I was a bit enamored by the room that Constellation partnered with Marten speakers on. The Oscar Trio speakers with the Diamond tweeter ($40K) was really beautiful, emotive, and engaging, and the Constellation stack did a great job bringing them to their best. I really enjoyed the ModWright, Alta and Pure Fidelity room. Gobs of harmonics and natural presentation. I had some nice chats with John Stratton of Pure Fidelity and had just before AXPONA finalized signing on as a dealer for his turntables. I’ve in the past owned almost everything Dan Wright ever made, as well as a pair of Alta Lelantos, so the room sound was very familiar and much to my liking. Im sure I’m missing other rooms, but those were some of ones that stood out for me. |