Musical fidelity A5.5 Vs Arcam CD 37


I am thinking of moving to a dedicated CD player, I am using now a Denon 3930 for DVD, CD, SACD, …
Regardless the features of these 2 players, how do you describe the sound differences between them? And what can I get more than I have now with Denon?
I don’t have the possibility to listen the MF only the Arcam so your opinions will be very helpful.

I purchased the CD37 about 2 months ago and all I can say is WOW!. I am re-discovering every CD that I have hearing details that I have never heard. Red Book CD's sound awesome, but SACD is absolutely incredible. I replaced a Sony XA-777ES with the Arcam. No comparison!

The rest of my system includes Thiel CS7 speakers, Musical Fidelity M-250 monoblocks, Arcam AV8 Pre-Pro and AntiCables.
Regarding the prices, availability (I don’t have now a decent player, the 3930 went back to repair) and internet reviews I narrow my choice two these to players.

I can only get a good price for MF (cheaper them the Arcam) over the Internet, and I don’t go to a street store to listen something that I do not want to buy from them. Not fair in my opinion.

Last Friday, I listened the Arcam in a store with Amp similar to mine and with different speakers. I liked, I perfectly live with it, but something was missing to make me go for it. So maybe I can get it that with MF and I don’t believe that I will be disappointed.

So if everything goes as I am expecting, I will have a MF CDP :)
I'd lean towards the MF A5.5. I have the A5 which is an excellent player - very neutral, well integrated and musical. I would expect the A5.5 to be very similar in sound to the A5.
Now that I have the MF A5.5 for a week and a half, I have another question. How many hours to break-in this CDP?

My estimate is that it has now about 80 hours playing, can I expect more changes in the sound?
If it's like the A5, I shouldn't expect much change after about 100 hours. Are you not happy with the sound so far?