I need a extension cord with

I have a dedicated 20 circuit. The problem is that it’s only a duplex box and since I went back to mono blocks, I need more outlets. 
Does someone sell a high ish end cord with a good duplex box or a good quad box on the end? It’s mostly going to be used for power amps, so I don’t need any conditioning.

Thanks all.

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Can you give me an idea of the price you paid and what male plug and female outlets that were used?

Thanks a lot.


That looks great, but I’ll be using it for a couple of mono blocks and don’t want any conditioner, just a good cord with a duplex or maybe a quad on the end.

@jea48 and everyone who suggested DIY.  I did build one and I can a difference between using it and my AR6 conditioner. That’s why I’m looking for better options.

Thanks for the suggestions!


Hi Frank,

I looked at the Furman Pro and I do like the surge protection and the EVS, so it’s on my list.
