Benchmark LA4 vs SPL Elector vs PS Audio StellarGold

Starting a new thread.  Originally I was looking to upgrade my power amp, but based on feedback I am pivoting and looking to upgrade the pre-amplifier.  Here is my current set up:

Current System:

Acoustat 1+1 speakers

Rythmik pair F12SE subwoofers

SPL Crossover (German Brand.  This separates the signal and reduces the demand on the Acoustats.  It helps bring out the mids and highs on the 1+1's

NAD C165BEE pre amplifier 

Technics SL-1500 C with AT 540ML cartridge in a RigB housing (think AT740ML+)

Marantz 8003 SACD (essentially retired with all CD's on digital card)

Eversolo DMP A6 streamer (occasionally use the DAC, but find it is too bright for extended listening

Schitt Bifrost 2/64 R2R DAC

Nakamichi PA 7All Power Amp (Nelson Pass Stasis design) (may update later to mono block units)

All three preamps claim to be relatively neutral with wonderful soundstages. 

The SPL is $2600, matches my SPL crossover, but may have lesser parts.  There is some concern regarding the volume controls.  Actual owners don't seem concerned.  The dealer will take the C165BEE as trade, thus lowering my costs.  Still waiting on trade value. 

The PS Audio Stellar Gold is $4000 with trade value for my preamp of $1000.  The designer of the unit has apparently left for Parasound (?).  Very positive reviews everywhere.

The Benchmark LA4 is $2950 with the trade value TBD.  This unit also has positive reviews everywhere.

I am looking for improved soundstage (depth and width) plus improved individual instrument detail.

I would appreciate your thoughts and any other suggestions.




I have not heard the SPL, I was considering it at one time. I already had a LA4 and needed another preamp for another system I was building.

In terms of being quiet I think the LA4 is going to be hard to beat. You should compare the measurements to verify. The LA4 runs warm which is usual for a Benchmark component. In terms of sound, it really does not have any. If your other gear sounds good, then the LA4 will let you hear that other gear without decorating the sound. The volume clicks and I like that. It is also the best volume control I have owned. All amps I have tried with is work perfectly, I cannot say the same for another LA4 like preamp, the Topping pre90.

If I was not going to get another LA4 (for variety), I wanted another preamp that had similar attributes of the LA4, and I got it with the Holo Serene preamp. It is a touch warmer than the LA4 and the volume is not as robust as the LA4’s. However, it does sound very similar to the LA4 (almost no sound). It is likely in-between the SPL and the LA4 in terms of sonics. I think the Serene works very nicely with Class A amps.


I purchased a used Benchmark LA4 and a pair of PS Audio M700 mono blocks from a seller listing both. Got a great deal on the LA4 by also buying the M700 pair. I honestly expected to flip the M700 pair.

The LA4 was an amazing upgrade over the NAD C165BEE. It should be at double the MSRP. The improvement was more than I expected with wider soundstage, a bit more depth, and improved separation. After a couple of days I then inserted the M700s in place of the Nakamichi PA7Aii. I was not expecting any improvement and was hoping to sell them and look for something else in the future. There was a definite improvement in clarity and instrument separation (essentially what I was initially hoping for with the LA4). The end result was more than I had possibly hoped for.  The confirmation came from wife when she said, "the stereo seems so much clearer.  I like it."  

I listed the NAD and Nak for sale and the Nak sold almost immediately. I expect the NAD to sell soon.

This got me thinking what else should I upgrade. It didn’t take long. I just purchased a PS Audio DirectStream Mk1 DAC from TMR. They are having a great sale on refurbished PSA DS Mk1 units. Should have it in a few days to replace my Bifrost 2/64 (may sell, or move to my 2nd system).

Hopefully I am done with my case of upgraditis.

Seems like you made the right choice. The SPL is really nice too but I think the LA4 was the right call if you are focused on instrument detail and soundstage, the Benchmark was probably the best bet.