Some of you may recall a TV show titled, Mr. Ed. It's a sitcom from the 1960's with a talking horse. Season 5, Episode 1 titled, Hi-Fi Horse, is a great, timeless performance aimed at us audiophiles. It first aired in 1964. I had just flown back from Europe in the 1990's one time, it was 3AM and I was wide awake. I turned on the TV to Nick at Night and found this episode. It has all the classic hifi stereo lines but remember, this was 60 years ago. Wilbur buys his wife a Stereo console for their anniversary. She is less than thrilled at this gift she never wanted. He puts on a sound effects record. Two people are playing ping pong and he says to his wife, "Are you listening to that? It's like they are right here in this room playing ping pong." That does it. She is off to her mother's.
Take a moment to look it up and play it. A lot of fun. And Mr. Ed, the horse gets in on the hifi as well.