Benchmark Media Systems. Right or wrong


@deep_333 Really?

"I have several tube amps, old sugden, old Pass, a load of chifi amp kits, etc in storage that are not counted/considered here."

The problem with the Benchmark argument is the logical fallacy of faulty generalisation. Personally, I partly agree with the Benchmark post to wit, there are snake oil companies in the Hi-Fi business. I also agree that many audio cables are overpriced.  However, I do not agree with Benchmark's arch-objectivist attitude (one that's common among many people with their roots in pro audio) that a limited set of conventional measurements defines a component's performance when reproducing music.

seems yogiboy we need a debate on the meaning of a comma in a sentence...

seems yogiboy we need a debate on the meaning of a comma in a sentence...

Debating challenged individuals would be a waste of time...