Back to the DAC

Just a bit of an update. When I inquired about a DAC upgrade in a recent post, it was suggested that I look at upgrading my cables first. Since then, I have done so (see my virtual system for that). Not over the top stuff, but a definite improvement over the mostly stock, generic cables I originally had.

System is sounding pretty darn good, but like most of us, you always wonder what a more expensive DAC will offer in the way of sound quality improvements.

Many of the recommended, higher priced DACs seem to include streamers and/or offer pre-amp capabilities. I have a good streamer and pre-amp and really don’t want all those components in one box.

Have any of you experienced a DAC which offers the sound qualities of highly praised units like the Mola Mola Tambaqui, DCS Lina, T&A 200, Weiss DAC501, etc. which their only function is a DAC?


I'm suprised to see you said the PBD Merlot didn't work with your PLink based streamer. I used it with the PBD outboard streamer and later with another streamer and the PBD USB-X4 and Plink input with no issues. Best...

I never bought the Merlot, but my research indicated that there was a version change and the Stream-IF that I own would not work via Plink on the Merlot. I use the Stream-IF via SPDIF on my Benchmark DAC3B. It is a great streamer, even on SPDIF.

If I am wrong not a biggie since my eventual goal is to go with the MPD-6 or MPD-8. 

It looks like the Yggi+ OG I ordered yesterday may arrive tomorrow. It will be interesting to see how it fairs with the LIM.


Always best to consider the input  / outputs the designer (s)  considers optimal…. An interesting thread… lots of good advice… however, because it’s a DAC… pay careful attention to the A part… which on a new unit will likely require more than 15 days to form the caps…. There are a lot of component de jour / gear changers…. Typically chasing leading edge emphasis = detail…. Just my $.02

@audphile1 @tvad @mitch2 


It looks like most of the M3s have a pre-amp, volume control and most come with a network card, all of which I don't really need.

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